Dr Merete Badger gave an insightful presentation on the use of satellite imagery in the...
This is a general characterization of all political parties, and the answer to declining responsiveness...
Article translated & modified from Jana Smit, Rapport dated 10 July 2022 – https://www.netwerk24.com/netwerk24/nuus/misdaad/polisie-kan-nie-meer-basiese-take-verrig-20220710. Original...
Opportunities for growth in the fast food market in South Africa continue to exist but there...
Over 94% of voters interviewed during a survey conducted by the Human Sciences Research Council...
There is spatial clustering of crime in South Africa, as has been shown to be...
Read the Daily Maverick article…………click logo below. For a more detailed exposé on the subject...
Deal with street/public robbery to reduce murder and attempted murder in South Africa. There is...